Sandstone stele of Itety and Kut-Ikvet
2140–1991 B.C.
DimensionsLegacy dimension: .88 x .40
Credit LineEmily Esther Sears Fund
Accession number04.1851
On View
Not on viewClassificationsArchitectural elements
ProvenanceSaid to be from Thebes (Dra Abu el-Naga). 1903-1904: purchased for the MFA from Mohamed Mohassib, Luxor, Egypt by Albert M. Lythgoe for £20. Acquired with funds from the Emily Esther Sears Fund. (Accession date: January 1, 1904)1390–1352 B.C.
A.D. 500
1550–1295 B.C.
1295–1186 B.C.
2061–1640 B.C.
1929 B.C.–1892 A.D.
2061–1640 B.C.
305–30 B.C.
305–30 B.C.