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Pitcher (oinochoe)
Pitcher (oinochoe)

Pitcher (oinochoe)

25 B.C.–A.D. 10
Place of ManufactureTarsus, Cilicia, Turkey
Medium/TechniqueCeramic, mold-made, lead-glazed
DimensionsHeight: 16 cm (6 5/16 in.) diameter: 11.3 cm.
Credit LineBequest of Charles Bain Hoyt
Accession number50.2298
On View
Not on view
ProvenanceBy date unknown: Charles Bain Hoyt Collection (according to his associate Burdon-Muller, the Hoyt "Greek & Roman glass and lead-glazed vases were all purchased from Kelekian and Kouchakji in New York"; bequest of Charles Bain Hoyt to MFA, May 11, 1950
Two-handled cup
30–1 B.C.
Drinking cup (skyphos)
about 50 B.C.–A.D. 50
Drinking cup (skyphos)
First century, probably 1–50 A.D.
Drinking cup (skyphos)
about 50 B.C.–A.D. 50
Mold-made bowl
110–80 B.C.
Early relief ware bowl
Caius Popilius
110–80 B.C.
Early relief ware bowl
Caius Popilius
110–80 B.C.