The Genuine Sauce à la Russe
Thomas Rowlandson
(English, 1756–1827)
Medium/TechniqueIndia ink, pen and watercolor over graphite pencil on paper
DimensionsSheet: 26.7 x 28.2 cm (10 1/2 x 11 1/8 in. )
Credit LineSamuel Putnam Avery Fund
Accession number42.456
InscriptionsUR in graphite: "haricoes, Wines- made dishes- cold meats, flavour," in ink: "The genuine Sauce a la Russe being prepared from an original Receipt./ which has been for years in use at the first tables on the Continent, and entirely/ composed of foreign produce- Somerset Laver twice a Week Macaroni/ New Olives tc tc-t every article in the above Line of the best Quality"; LR in ink: T. RowlandSon.ProvenanceColl.: Dickson Q. Brown; then the Williams Book Store, Boston; purchased October 8, 1942 through Mr. Constable with the Samuel P. Avery Fund