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Image Not Available for The French Reign of Terror in the Dutch Villages of Bodegraven and Zwammerdam
The French Reign of Terror in the Dutch Villages of Bodegraven and Zwammerdam
Image Not Available for The French Reign of Terror in the Dutch Villages of Bodegraven and Zwammerdam

The French Reign of Terror in the Dutch Villages of Bodegraven and Zwammerdam

Romeyn de Hooghe (Dutch, 1645–1708)
Medium/TechniqueEtching and engraving with letterpress text
Dimensions30.8 x 40.2 cm (12 1/8 x 15 13/16 in.)
Credit LineFund in memory of Horatio Greenough Curtis
Accession number1979.535
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InscriptionsIn plate UC: Spiegel der / France Tirannye / gepleecht op de Hollantsche Dorpen. In plate LR: Romyn de Hooghe fec. 1673 Recto below image, an extensive letterpress verse by G. Bidloo set in three columns, headed as follows: DE / FRANCE WREETHEYT, / TOT / BODEGRAVE, en SWAMMERDAM Later inscriptions or marks: Recto LL in graphite pencil: 4380 Recto LR in graphite pencil: 4030 Verso R sideways in pen and brown ink: Spiegel der Franse livan / nie tot bodegrave / en / Swammerdam / WBYR [this is a rough transcription-- not clearly legible].ProvenancePurchased from Henk J. Stokking, Amsterdam