The French Reign of Terror in the Dutch Villages of Bodegraven and Zwammerdam
Romeyn de Hooghe
(Dutch, 1645–1708)
Medium/TechniqueEtching and engraving with letterpress text
Dimensions30.8 x 40.2 cm (12 1/8 x 15 13/16 in.)
Credit LineFund in memory of Horatio Greenough Curtis
Accession number1979.535
InscriptionsIn plate UC: Spiegel der / France Tirannye / gepleecht op de Hollantsche Dorpen.
In plate LR: Romyn de Hooghe fec. 1673
Recto below image, an extensive letterpress verse by G. Bidloo set in three columns, headed as follows: DE / FRANCE WREETHEYT, / TOT / BODEGRAVE, en SWAMMERDAM
Later inscriptions or marks: Recto LL in graphite pencil: 4380
Recto LR in graphite pencil: 4030
Verso R sideways in pen and brown ink: Spiegel der Franse livan / nie tot bodegrave / en / Swammerdam / WBYR [this is a rough transcription-- not clearly legible].ProvenancePurchased from Henk J. Stokking, Amsterdam