Relief plaque showing a king (Oba) dominating leopards
The Oba, or king, of Benin can claim an almost supernatural power. Here, he is depicted grasping two leopards by their tails and wearing a belt of living mudfish. The leopard, the swift and aggressive king of the forest, is a metaphor for the Benin king. Mudfish are also symbolic of royal power as they live in oceans and rivers, the abode of the god of wealth and the source of royal coral regalia. Some species of mudfish are also fearsome and capable of stinging with an electrical charge. While coral-beaded tunics, crowns, and collars are worn by many elite members of the court, the large bead at the center of the figure’s chest indicates that this is the Oba, wearing the bead of rule. This plaque is one of a group of more than 800 that once adorned the pillars of the palace audience hall. The living Oba would have received visitors in this hall, surrounded by shining bronze images of himself and his courtiers.
Although the early provenance of this object is not recorded, it is likely that British forces took it from the Royal Palace in Benin City in 1897. At that time troops occupied the city and seized approximately 4,000 works of art as spoils of war; these objects then made their way to European collectors, dealers, and museums. It is also possible that it left Benin City at a later date or by other means that have not been documented.